
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Romain Jerome watch made from bits of the Titanic

If you’d like a limited edition one of a kind watch that will likely cost you a fortune, well then the designer Romain Jerome has one for you. Actually they specialize in overly expensive watches, however, this one is uniquely expensive. It’s actually made from rusty old parts pulled directly from the Titanic. Which means these watches are by no means of a petite nature, they actually are a bit chunky.

They could have easily had an almost steampunk look, but for some reason I don’t really see them fitting into that genre perfectly. If the watch face had been done a bit differently, it might have easily found its way into that category. The set had nine different watches and each at an outrageous price. Likely more due to the origins of the parts than anything else. Each watch varies a little from the rest, and likely by now they have been snatched up. If they haven’t though you’ll likely have to jump through a few hoops to get ahold of it.

Source: bornrich

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